
Hosting & Support

Hosting is the very foundation of your Digital Strategy and Web Presence. Our VPS servers are built on state-of-the-art web host technology and offer unparalleled security features and load speed, without charging any plan overages for bandwidth or visitor usage. Our hosting offers an integrated development environment, as well as a free staging url which allows us to test our build on a live server, before deployment across your domain. This work-flow is empowering, in that it allows new content and customizations to be added anytime in the future without having to put your site in the revenue-killing “maintenance mode.”

Of course, you can choose to host your web site wherever you like, however, we take much less responsibility in these scenarios. We offer our private hosting servers, and have a preferred partner that we would be happy to recommend and connect you with, but we are happy to work with any hosting company you choose. We do highly recommend doing some research and finding out what will be best for your site. Hosting is important, and some hosting companies are much better than others, so it pays off to look at several options. One important consideration when choosing a host is support, and the support offered through Media Plus Digital Strategies and our preferred hosting partner is second to none.

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